Desty Permata
John McPhee memulai balapan di posisi 22 dan dia berhasil membuat kejutan dengan merebut posisi pertama saat balapan masuk lap terakhir dan posisi kedua ditempati Ayumu Sasaki dan Sergio Garcia berhasil di posisi ketiga.
John McPhee started the race in 22nd position and he managed to make a surprise by taking the first position when the race entered the last lap and the second position was occupied by Ayumu Sasaki and Sergio Garcia succeeded in third position.

Pembalap asal Italia, Tony Arbolino berhasil memenangkan balapan Grand Prix Of Malaysia, setelah Ai Ogura mengalami crash di lap terakhir sehinfga Ai Ogura kehilangan posisi di puncak klasemen Moto2. Pembalap asal Spanyol, Alonso Lopez menempati posisi kedua dan posisi ketiga di tempati oleh pembalap asal Inggris, yaitu Jake Dixon.
Italian Rider Tony Arbolino won the Grand Prix Of Malaysia race, after Ai Ogura crashed on the last lap so Ai Ogura lost his position at the top of the Moto2 standings. The Spanish Rider Alonso Lopez, took the second position and the British Rider, Jake Dixon took the third position.

Francesco Bagnaia berhasil meraih kemenangan di MotoGP Malaysia 2022. Enea Bastianini berada di urutan kedua, kemudian Fabio Quartararo yang mengunci podium ketiga.
Kemenangan Bagnaia di Sirkuit Sepang, Malaysia belum bisa mengantarkannya mengunci gelar Juara Dunia MotoGP 2022, karena Fabio Quartararo berhasil meraih podium ketiga sehingga selisih poin mereka menjadi 23 poin. Dengan hasil MotoGP tersebut, perebutan gelar Juara Dunia MotoGP 2022 akan berakhir di Valencia.
Francesco Bagnaia won the MotoGP Malaysia 2022 victory. Enea Bastianini at second place then Fabio Quartararo who locked the third podium.
Bagnaia’s victory at the Sepang Circuit, Malaysia has not been able to deliver him to lock the 2022 MotoGP World Title, because Fabio Quartararo managed to reach the third podium so that their difference in points became 23 points. With these MotoGP results, the race for the 2022 MotoGP World Title will end in Valencia.